
来源:北京新府学外国语学校 时间:04-23

  Speech Contest英文演讲比赛

The Beijing Xin Fuxue International Academy speech contest has become an annual tradition. Each year, Xin Fuxue students grades one through nine compete in our informative speech contest. Grades one, two and three receive set speech topics that pertain to their unit of inquiry currently covered in class. Grades four through nine receive a packet that contains a list of speech topics, sample speech, tips on public speaking, and a speech outline. Our foreign teaching staff coaches the young learners on the writing and delivery of their speech. Competition begins at grade level and winners continue competing through to the elementary and middle school finals. This year our finals were held in the Xin Fuxue Sunroom auditorium where students performed their speeches in front of the school. Our speech contest is an academic tool for our young learners plus training and participation for students representing Xin Fuxue in the Good Talk international speech competition.

The Xin Fuxue annual speech contest has become an important academic competition. The fear of public speaking is incredibly common, many times teachers complain that only a handful of students in any given classroom will not feel comfortable enough to talk in front of a class let alone the entire school. Our school aims to develop 21st-century skills. Young learners that participate in our speech contest will find they are far better prepared for delivering presentations in future classes.

Positive competition is a benefit from participation in the Xin Fuxue and Good Talk speech contests. Many of our students remember who past champions were and work hard to prepare speeches to reach the finals. Young learners work with each other and cheer for their peers showing support and comradery. Some of our finalist this year took the stage for the first time, however many of the students were returning to defend their speech title.

The speech contest starts with competition between students at their grade level. Top scores from 3-4 students per grade make it to the final round. The scoring is non-biased. We use middle school foreign teachers to judge elementary students and elementary foreign teachers are used to score middle school student speeches. A custom rubric is used that judges' students on ten different speech criterions, (introduction, body, conclusion, eye contact, use of language, body language, clarity, topic follows assignment adapted to the audience, visual aids and time). The speech contest has many benefits for our students.

Performing difficult tasks builds confidence. Our public speech contest and involvement in the Good Talk speech competition provides young learners the coaching to stand before their peers and deliver a speech with confidence.

Public speaking can improve a child’s academic performance. The experience acquired through the Xin Fuxue public speaking contest provides a boost in all other areas of their education. Many of our elementary and middle school classes require some sort of presentation in class. Speech training provides experience to deliver good speeches and improve student achievement.

The Xin Fuxue speech contest and training also improves a child’s listening skills. The experience of listening to other students speak helps young learners to become better listeners. The children are also exposed to a variety of opinions, viewpoints, and topics different from their own. Public speaking can improve a child's critical thinking skills. Students research and answer critical thinking questions in their classes. Analytical thought processes learned from public speaking can promote well-reasoned answers, communication, and papers.

新府学外国语学校英文演讲比赛Speech Contest





比赛开始时采取同年级晋级的模式,优胜者会参加小学组和初中组的决赛,最终参加全校的决赛。我们的英文演讲比赛从学术方面给学生们提供了一个良好的总结学习机会,并锻炼了他们的语言表达和自信,同时,在此次比赛中脱颖而出的学生也将参加Good Talk国际青少年演讲比赛。



