北京新府学外国语学校 外教师资团队怎么样?

来源:北京新府学外国语学校 时间:04-25











新府学初中阶段的外教团队,他们分别担任着各个学科的单科任课教师,部分老师同样担任着初中外籍班主任。初中对于孩子们的语言学习及学科学术要求更高,同样对老师的学术能力便有着更高的要求。美术外教老师带孩子们走进空间构图,学会用更多的角度和更细腻的画笔勾画自己所见;体育外教带着孩子们在体育课上进行专业的体能训练,为他们进行更专业领域的学习奠定基础,同时传递给他们热爱运动的精神,在潜移默化中给予他们更多语言的习得。英文、数学、社会学、自然科学、经济学等学科学习,外教老师们用自己专业的学术能力,传授给孩子们学术知识,教给他们学会如何思考、如何探究、如何完成Team work、如何对知识不断探索,力求培养他们成为真正的学习者,成为真正具有国际视野、国际交流能力的人才。


Xin Fuxue, in my mind, is a delightful school where all teachers and children are attracted by magic. And this so-called enchantment is the sincere love from the bottom of our heart, making XFA loving, caring and safe.

Both Chinese and foreign teachers are an indispensable piece of our school. Students trust them and they all contribute to making XFA young learners warm and happy. Chinese and foreign teachers are passionate about education, and the educational content they create for students. It is these bits and pieces of work that warms the heart of every child and every faculty member.

Foreign teachers collaborate with Chinese teachers daily at XFA.

Foreign teachers account for nearly 30% of the total teaching staff and are mainly from America and European countries in the elementary and middle school of XFA. They create an immersive English learning environment for our young learners. At XFA, each class is equipped with both foreign and Chinese homeroom teachers. At the elementary level, 50% of the subjects are taught by foreign teachers. This allows foreign teachers to have more time to fully impact a child’s learning and English fluency. Foreign teachers not only teach students the knowledge to improve their language skills, but also integrate their unique culture and teaching methods into lessons. Students can, therefore, experience the differences and integration of Chinese and western cultures and switch between different thinking and communication methods.

The leader of the foreign teacher team is XFA’s foreign principal, Mr. Gary Dimitratos. Sometimes he’s a pillar of moral education, sometimes he becomes a strict principal, and sometimes he is the coolest guitar player on the stage!

Foreign teachers assume the responsibility of homeroom teachers and teaching all English subjects in our elementary program. As an instructor, teachers guide students to think and to explore the unknown space, human body, animals, etc. They teach students valuable content, critical thinking and communicate in English. As a participant in class, teachers cooperate with students in making mind maps or posters. As the leader of the children's expedition team, teachers lead students to observe insects and birds outdoors. As a friend, foreign teachers are surrounded by cute children, playing and chasing, and enjoy the fun of childhood. As the guardian, they work with Chinese homeroom teachers to help kids develop good habits and to create a safe environment for them.

On the playground or during activities, you can always see foreign teachers holding mobile phones and taking photos of their children. They focus on and appreciate the children, smiling and caring. A child’s growth is a foreign teacher's greatest motivation and reason for persistence.

XFA foreign middle school teachers assume the responsibility of homeroom teachers and teaching a single subject. Middle school learning contains higher requirements for children's language learning and academic performance and teachers' academic ability. Art teachers teach children spatial composition and how to sketch what they see using more angles and more delicate brushes. P.E. teachers guide students in doing professional physical training and learning basic knowledge about professional sports, in which process students find love for sports and improve language ability. In English, mathematics, sociology, and natural sciences, Economics and other subjects, foreign teachers use their professional academic ability to teach children the knowledge, teach them how to think, explore and complete teamwork as well as how to expand their knowledge. We aim to train them to be true learners and talents with international vision and international communication skills.

At XFA, we cherish our Chinese and foreign teachers as an indispensable part of our big family! We respect diversified cultures, backgrounds, nationalities, and habits. Yes, indeed we are mixing and integrating, the reason for which is that we love this school and every child here.