新府学外国语学校教师培训 | 如何在教育的过程中塑造学生良好的品格?

来源:北京新府学外国语学校 时间:05-09


教育的本质是什么?这是我们教育工作者不断在思考的。简而言之,教育的本质是培养人,教育的本质是塑造人,我们所认为的真正教育在于唤醒。那么在教育的过程中,最难的不是知识的传授,往往最难的是如何唤醒孩子的内驱动力,如何塑造和培养孩子成长为真正我们所期望的样子,或者说如何培养他们成为自己最优秀的样子,培养他们认识自己、成为自己、成就自己!11月25日、26日,Richard Mast将为老师们带来为期两天的品格教育培训,帮助老师们更了解孩子,成就孩子的同时也成就自己。



理查德·马斯特(Richard Mast)是一位经验丰富的教师、IB协调员、IB培训师,在澳大利亚曾任学校校长。2000年,他成为北京顺义国际学校的中学部的校长。





1. 知道礼貌是文明交往的前提,掌握基本的交往礼仪与技能,理解文明交往的个人意义和社会价值

Knows that courtesy is the premise of civilised communication.

Able to master basic communication etiquette and skills.

Understands the personal significance of civilised communication and its social value.

2. 了解青春期闭锁心理现象及危害,积极与同学、朋友和成人交往,体会交往与友谊对生命成长的意义。

Understands that the puberty is a psychological phenomenon and can result in problems and so there is a need to develop positive associates with schoolmates, friends and adults.

Able to realise that contacts and friendships will have significance later in life.

3. 体会父母为抚养自己付出的辛劳,孝敬父母和长辈。学会与父母平等沟通,调适“逆反”心理。增强与家人共创共享家庭美德的意识和能力。

Able to show that they appreciate what parents pay and do to raise them.

Knows that they should work hard and honour parents and elders.

Able to communicate with parents on an equal basis.

Able to take action that negates the negative psychological situations they are experiencing.

Able to share and perform positive values and virtues as a family member.

4. 了解教师的工作,积极与教师进行有效沟通,正确对待教师的表扬与批评,增进与教师的感情。

Understands the work of teachers and their role in communicating effectively and treating students correctly.

Accepts the teacher's praise, criticism and encouragement and is aware of the teacher's feelings.

5. 学会用恰当的方式与同龄人交往,建立同学间的真诚友谊,正确认识异性同学之间的交往与友谊,把握原则与尺度。

Able to communicate appropriately with their peers.

Able to establish sincere friendships among their peers.

Able to establish appropriate friendships with opposite sex students.

Understands the principles and dimensions of communication and friendship.


1. 正确认识个人与集体的关系,主动参与班级和学校话动,并发挥积极作用。有团队意识和集体荣誉感,感受学校生活的幸福,体会团结的力量。

Understands the relationship between individuals and the collective.

Able to actively participate in class and school activities.

Able to show team awareness and a collective sense of honour.

Able to feel the life of the school,

Able to show happiness and understands the strength of unity.

2. 学会换位思考,学会理解与宽容,尊重、帮助他人,与人为善。

Able to empathise and to understand others.

Able to show tolerance and respect for others.

Able to show a willingness to help others.

Understands that people are basically good.

3. 领会诚实是一种可贵的品质, 正确认识生活中诚实的复杂性,知道诚实才能获得信任, 努力做诚实的人。

Understands that honesty is a valuable quality.

Able to show understanding of the need to be honest in the complexities of life.

Knows that honesty can lead to being judged as trustworthy.

Able to show that they are working hard to be honest.

4. 理解竞争与合作的关系,能正确对特社会生活中的竞争, 敢于竞争,善于合作。

Understands the relationship between competition and cooperation.

Able to appropriately cooperate and compete with other people.

Able to show a willingness to dare to compete and be good at cooperation.

5. 知道每个人在人格和法律地位上都是平等的,不凌弱欺生,不以家境、身体、智能、性别等方面的差异而自傲或自卑,不歧视他人,富有正义感。

Knows that every person is equal before the law.

Understands that no one should be bullied or discriminated against, regardless of their home circumstances, physical attributes, intelligence, gender, etc., whether they present as proud or inferior.

Able to show a sense of justice to everyone.


1. 悦纳自己的生理变化,促进生理与心理的协调发展。

Able to describe their physiological changes and promoting the coordinated development of physiology and psychology.

2. 了解青春心理健康的新常识,体会青春的美好,学会克服青春期的烦恼,调控好自己的心理冲动。

Understands the new mental health knowledge of youth.

Able to experience the beauty of youth.

Knows about the troubles of adolescence so that they can regulate and control themselves and their psychological impulses.

3. 正确对待学习压力,克服厌学情绪和过度的考试焦虑, 培养正确的学习态度和成就动机 。

Able to show that they are correctly handling learning pressure, overcoming tiredness and excessive test anxiety, and cultivating correct learning attitudes and achievement motivations.

4. 理解情绪的多样性、复杂性,学会调节和控制情绪,保持乐观、 积极的心态。

Understands the diversity and complexity of emotions, knows to regulate and control emotions, and maintain an optimistic and positive attitude.

5. 客观分析挫折和逆境,寻找有效的应对方法,养成勇于克服困难和开拓进取的优良品质。

Objectively analyses setbacks and adversities, finds effective coping methods, and develops good qualities that, with courage, are enough to overcome difficulties and forge ahead.


1. 知道公民有受教育的权利和义务,学会运用法律维护自己受教育的权利,自觉履行受教育的义务。

Knows that citizens have the right and obligation to receive education.

Understands why it is important to use the law to protect their right to education, and consciously fulfils their obligation to receive education.

2. 知道法律保护消费者的合法权益,学会运用法律维护自己作为消费者的权益。

Knows that the law protects the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

Knows that it is possible to use the law to protect their rights as consumers.



1. 认识生命形态的多样性,理解人类生命离不开大自然的哺育。

Understands the diversity of life forms.

Understands that human life is inseparable from nature.

2. 认识来自家庭的关爱以及基于此自己生命的独特性, 能够进行基本的自救自护。

Able to recognise that their life is unique and is built upon the love of their family.

Able to perform basic self-help and self-care.

3. 自尊、自爱,不做有损人格的事。

Able to demonstrate self-esteem and selflove.

Able to avoid actions and thoughts that are detrimental to their character and actions.

4. 认识行为和后果的,懂得每个行为都会产生一定后果,学会对自己的行为负责。

Able to recognise the connection between behaviour and consequences.

Knows that each behaviour will produce certain consequences. Able to be responsible for their actions.

5. 能够分辨是非善恶,学会在比较复杂的社会生活中作出正确选择。

Able to distinguish between good and evil.

Able to make the right choice in a more complex social life.

6. 体会生命的价值,认识到实现人生意义应该从日常生话的点滴做起。

Able to recognise the value of life.

Able to recognise that the meaning of life should start from the point of everyday life.

7. 养成自信自立的生活态度,体会自强不息的意义。

Able to demonstrate self-confident and self-reliant attitude towards life and experience the meaning of self-improvement.

Teachers will also be shown how to link the Chinese National Curriculum standards to the use of Big Ideas and the using of Unit Plans for international curriculum.