
来源:卡迪夫公学上海校区 时间:04-25

卡迪夫公学英国总校副校长 Mary Kent 女士,将于2017年11月赴华考核中国校区的教学及学生管理。

Mary Kent

Vice Principal, Cardiff and Vale College

As Vice Principal for Cardiff and Vale College, Mary Kent leads the growth strategy for the College at the Executive level and has direct oversight of the Commercial Operations, which now include International Relationships, Retail Operations, Bids and Funding, and Employer Training. She also oversees the delivery of Work Based Learning Contracts in England and has developed a number of international projects.

Since joining the College, Mary has led significant restructure and capacity building for growth activities resulting in CAVC being awarded ‘College of the Year’ and ‘People Development’ in the Insider Business & Education Partnership Awards 2015.

为了让学生和家长更深入地了解正统英式教育, Mary Kent 女士将出席11月26日卡迪夫公学(上海)中心开放日,与各位分享英国中学的学习生活。

同时,应广大家长的要求,备受好评的英伦绅士Kevin Ratcliffe将继续带领大家亲临卡迪夫公学的教室,体验正统的英式教学。

若学生有意愿申请入学,可以与Mary Kent 女士现场交流,更有机会现场获得由她亲笔签发的Offer哦~


Mary Kent女士 2016年上海校区活动剪影: