
来源:华师双语高中部 时间:05-13


ECNUAS Art department invites you to the Balloon Party Exhibition on Thursday, March 25th at 4pm. The G12 visual arts student will introduce the whole body of artworks made in two years and the fashion design portfolio realized with RED Art. See you there!



ECNUAS DP2 Visual Arts Exhibition

开幕 / Opening:2020.03.25 4pm-6pm

展期 / Duration:2020.03.25 - 2020.04.09

地点:Address:ECNUAS Anchi Campus, Art space 3rd floor


Artist: Candy Luan


Organizer: ECNUAS Art Department


Candy has worked with a variety of media for building her body of visual arts such as photography, sculpture, video, installation. Through her works, she tested the endurance of different artistic elements as a physical challenge for her. She carried out a reflection around the notion of “Depression” and how the body exhale or accumulate the stress.


My initial idea for IB visual art was to express the liberation of stress, linked to social phobia,excessive consumption and claustrophobia. Releasing the stress, abreacting, suffering, inflated and swollen, depression and pressure are the keywords for my artworks.


So far, I mainly used rubber, plastic, cotton and wire. All the materials have an elastic capacity to be stretched, extended, skrinked… to express the tension accumulated. As a metaphor of our psychological state, I intended to show the impact of social behaviors on our bodies. Having wrapped the exhibition space with a black plastic, it conveys a claustrophobic feeling and narrow our perspectives of life.


Candy Luan is the first student from the RED ART program of ECNUAS. Majoring in fashion design, she received more than 8 offers from University of Creative Art in London, Marangoni The school of Arts, University of Leeds Arts, Central Saint Martins for the folio stage and so on.

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