First Sports Day 常外附属双语学校届运动会圆满举行

来源:常州外国语附属双语学校 时间:04-22



这次运动会的宗旨是为同学们创造一个愉快的体育活动环境,享受体育带来的乐趣。共有80米冲刺、投掷水气球等8项个人项目,还有两人三足、接力赛和拔河3个团体项目。同学们以“土、火、水、风”等4个House为单位互相PK, 每个项目名将获得4个积分,最后一名获得1个积分,最终积分最高的House将获得奖杯。




最终,FIRE House队在激烈的竞争中获得了常州外国语附属双语学校届运动会的名。第二名至第四名分别是AIR House、WATER House、ERATH House。


体育的英文缩写是PE,全称“Physical Education”,翻译过来是“对身体的教育”。我们的一生正是通过自己的身体去感知这个世界,并不断从这些感知中受到教育。身体是连接自我意识和大自然的一个工具、一座桥梁、一条纽带。通过体育我们的身体去感知、探索大自然,让我们变得“更高、更快、更强”。通过体育的各种形式,让我们更了解自然、更尊重生命。拥有体育精神的人在面对挑战和压力的时候,能更好的进入状态,摆脱消极。体育运动能力的进步,其实更是伴随着内心自信的成长。无论对成年人还是青少年而言,都是不能或缺的人生一课。




2018 CBS Sports day was held on Friday, September 28th starting with a marching procession which saw all the students from primary, middle and high school join together to march for their separate houses: Earth, Water, Fire, Air. The day was eventful, fun and well supported by staff and parents cheering for their children. The fun nature of the sports day promotes the benefits of being active. Worldwide childhood obesity is a growing concern. These days students often choose to spend a lot of time watching TV or playing video games. They forget that daily physical exercise is essential for their health.Activities at this year sports day ranged from the traditional sprint race and relay through to fun team activities including a water balloon throw, egg and spoon race as well as a sack race. Overall the best house team on the day was FIRE House and individual age group awards given to the best boy and girl.