
来源:亚加达国际预科(AIC) 时间:04-23


In AIC's Humanities class,our teacher Andy used an interesting activity to bring to live our hunter-gathering past for students to research, discuss and share.


For making this human history stage marked by the grinding stone tool become more appealing and intuitive to PDP2 students, Andy organized a hand-crafted workshop.


He encouraged the students to come up with questions, and in their discussion, he shared the knowledge they needed to know as per the unit objectives.


The task assigned was practical and creative in nature. He moved the lesson to the school canteen and divided the students into groups to work in teams.



When it came to hands-on practice, AIC students showed their talents with different skills. They used flour, salt, water, and then food coloring to reproduce various types of stone and bone tools and jewelry, which were so important to the hunter-gatherer way of life.



After the workshop, Andy invited students to add captions to their work and to present their understanding of the important factual information about these artifacts.


He also displayed the exquisite works made by students in teaching building 4F, in a public area. Let's have a look!


Alexander, David, Frank和Usher同学的作品介绍里提到,石手斧是人类使用历史最长的工具,目前发现的最古老的斧头出现在160多万年前。

Alexander, David, Frank and Usher introduced the stone axe as the longest used tool in human history. The oldest axes found are about 1.6 million years old.

Amy, Agatha, Betty, Alex和Margreat合力制作了那时期的刀片,项链和斧头。他们还特别分享了研究发现,当时各部落的狩猎采集者们热衷佩戴项链,不仅是作为一种计数和跟踪事件的方式,也是同伴间比拼、看谁能得到更多猎物的竞争方式。

Amy, Agatha, Betty, Alex and Margreat worked together to bring us an ancient blade, necklaces and an axe.In particular, they shared their findings, that hunter-gatherer tribes wore necklaces not only as a way of counting and keeping track of events, but also for competing with their companions to hunt more animals.


The students also pointed out that during this period different tribes wore animal teeth, carved with pattens as decorations, which shows that human beings began to pursue beauty a very early time.



All of the above research is the result of students’ inquiry for the unit on 'the four social revolutions' in human history. This was the beginning stage (hunter-gatherer), before the first big revolution - the agricultural revolution.


Later they will examine steam power and the microchip which have changed our world so much.


It will all culminate with a final inquiry project about the importance of these revolutions to human kind.


Encouraging students to learn knowledge by doing, developing their natural curiosity, and honing skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research is a way that AIC lives the IB ideal.


At AIC, we aim to create an ideal environment for students to actively enjoy learning so that this love of learning is sustained throughout their lives.