
来源:上海宏润博源学校 时间:04-22





Jerry Pu has been enrolled in our school as an 11th grader since the establishment of our school in the autumn of 2018. He is one of the first students in our school.



普周琦同学11、12年级共参加了9门AP课程考试,即使已获大学录取通知书,依然参加4门AP考试,这些考试涉及面非常广,除了有传统中国孩子擅长的理科:微积分,统计学、也有心理学、美国历史、人文地理,更有大部分学生不擅长的音乐理论、拉丁语、德语、西班牙语,这充分体现了他的学习多元化、爱好广泛性,为此他或得了College Board(美国大学理事会) 颁发的AP Scholar with Distinction Award.

In terms of academic performance, Jerry Pu has done extraordinarily well: amongst all students, his GPA, standardized tests (TOEFL, SAT, etc.) scores are always the highest. Jerry Pu also has great enthusiasm for linguistics. He has studied Latin, Spanish and Sanskrit under the tutelage of Bonta (PhD in Linguistics from Cornell University) and has studied by himself German.

With Dr. Bonta

Jerry Pu has taken 9 AP exams in grade 11 and grade 12. Even after he had been admitted to top universities, he still decided to take 4 AP exams. These exams cover a wide range of subjects: Calculus, Statistics, Psychology, American History, Human Geography, as well as Music Theory, Latin, German, and Spanish, fully demonstrating his diversity in learning and broad interests. Therefore, he was awarded the AP Scholar with Distinction Award by the College Board.




In addition, Jerry Pu also made full use of his talent in language. In grade 12, he finished an article named "Reflections and Innovations on Chinese Pinyin", which will be published in the journal of "International Conference on Language, Culture and Art" held in Moscow, Russia in November 2019.

Giving Speech in the opening ceremony

In addition to his excellent academic performance, Jerry Pu is always ready to help his classmates and the school. He gave full play to his advantages to help his classmates to improve their academic performance and did a lot of translation work for the school. He has taken an active part in club activities of the school and community volunteer service, such as playing the guitar in the school band and helping the senior citizens in the community to build social networks and create WeChat group, to learn how to do online shopping, to download the APP, and so on. Also with two other friends, he founded an anti-campus-bullying website, collected information on laws and regulations on campus bullying from different countries and areas in order to raise the awareness of more students and parents.


Finally, as a member of class 2020, Jerry Pu has received offers from UCLA (US Top 20), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (US Top 25), and many other prestigious universities.


Receiving former Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou


With his excellent academic performance, his love for teachers, classmates and the school, and his contribution to the community, Jerry Pu has shown us what an outstanding student with all-round and balanced development should be like and has won great honors for the school. Thus, the School Administration Board has voted Jerry Pu the "2020 Graduate of Highest Distinction," which includes a scholarship of 50,000RMB.