
来源:瑞得福国际学校 时间:05-05












Q:这个暑假你参加了IKIF的夏校,为什么选择参加IKIF? 能简单介绍一下IKIF吗?

A:IKIF是International Keyboard Institute&Festival的简称,是由曼尼斯音乐学院,雅马哈公司,联合来自世界各地的音乐家共同举办的年度古典音乐节,已有快二十年历史。作为世界三大古典音乐节之一,IKIF音乐节主要由三部分组成:钢琴演奏大师课及讲座,著名钢琴家音乐会和钢琴演奏比赛部分。这次我有幸上了Jerome Rose, Yuri KIm, Steven Mayer, MateiVarga, Ilya Yakushev等钢琴大师的课,受益匪浅。选择IKIF作为我十年级暑假的夏校是因为我对古典音乐的热爱,同时我也非常喜欢参与了这次音乐节的钢琴家Yuri Kim,迫不及待想见到真人向她取经学习,所以我选择了IKIF音乐节作为暑期活动。







A:因为一直以来我给自己的定位比较特殊,最近又爱上了作曲,所以我的十一年级会和其他同学很不一样。我的目标是,在不影响学习的情况下,创作5-8首完整的曲子并录制成专辑,举办3-5场个人钢琴独奏会,完成自己筹划的一个大型music project(保密嘻嘻)。学习方面至少托福115+,SAT1560左右和AP 各科5分。同时GPA保持4.0/4.0不跌。完成一次Yale University的campus visit。





~Speech Time~


Dear students, teachers, staffs, and all the guests,

Good morning! My name is Rebecca Yang, from Grade 10, and it is my honor to represent the senior students and give a speech here. Thanks for your safe arrival.

I did have a great year in RDF and there are tons of experience I wanna share with you. But most importantly, I just wanna say thank you to all of the teachers and staffs that helped us, taught us and treated us with all of their heart. Here’s my sincere gratitude.( bow deeply) No matter where you’ll be in the future, we will memorize all of you as honorable teachers of RDF big family. Thanks again for your contributions to RDF.

For the juniors, you’re lucky to be here because RDF will give you extraordinary experiences in the future; but for the seniors, we have more duties on our shoulders. We’ll be fighting for our future in the next year or two, for the applications, and for the colleges. We’ve been told that being into a good college could be the game changer of our lives , and most of us are preparing for it diligently but nervously. And that’s the problem. It’s like after deciding what major you wanna take in the future, you’ll have second thought or something, that makes you reconsider about whether your decision is right or wrong. This isn’t the time to make hard and fast decisions, this is the time to make mistakes. If you take the wrong train and stuck somewhere, it will be fine. Change your mind, and change it again, because nothing’s permanent. In my case, I’ve always wanted to become a concert pianist. I’ve been preparing for it since I was a child, and I made a lot of efforts to accomplish my dreams. However, after watching a movie called LIFE, about Mars, I found that I’m highly interested in astronomy and all those mysteries in the unknown universe. I’m also passionate about the Literature, because i found that there is a huge connection between the literature and the classical music I’ve been playing. No one knows what will happen in the future. So make as many mistakes as you can, that way some day when they ask what we wanna be, we won’t have to guess, we will KNOW.

Today is our last day as 10th graders, or 9th 8th 7th graders in your cases. and as we prepare for our future, as we move into tomorrow, just remember, we are the BEST. Trust yourselves, step forward, and there’ll be a bright future waiting for u, right there.






















~Speech Time~


Good morning esteemed faculty and families of my fellow schoolmates. It’s an honor to be standing up here today. I know that we all think we are here to share the best time of our life, we are supposed to feel that way. From wherever we come from, from whatever experiences we have had before, we are joining the big family of RDF. it is a brand-new start for all of us.

Life is a complex of different experiences and emotions. We all have our ups and downs as we sailing through the roaring waves and hold tight on the walnut shell just so we could have a glimpse to the rainbow at top of the hill. We feel hopeful on a beautiful day like today, but there will be dark days ahead of us too, when I had that experience in my summer school just weeks away from today, I was facing all the technical problems at once, when everything is pint south, I feel alone, and I think I would just going to say “this is it.”, that is how the project ends. Indeed, it happens, it happens to all of us, in life nothing is going to work as you would expect at very first place. But aside from giving up and accept that result, I strongly recommend you to take a really close look at your situation. The so-called obstaclesand hard questions, they are nothing more than a bunch of simple problems coming together, and problems are only there to be solved. So, I jump right in, I do the trouble shooting, I solve the problem and I solve the next, without excuses and complain. that’s how simple it is. You have the total control of your life, why not tap yourself on the shoulder and give yourself a big smile. Be optimistic,and don’t think what’s coming to you next. That is the most precious information I want to share and want everyone to remember. Be simple, that is what made me who I am today.

Today, at the start of a brand-new life here at RDF. I hope everyone to live and study as who you truly are, we are not here to live somebody else’s life, make your day count, create unique impact and making contributions to the society. I know you all challenged yourself and made amazing accomplishments to get here, but learning is an infinite path, you can learn something quickly and there are other things that might take you years to understand. No matter how outstanding we were before, it is what we do now and next that matters the most. What have you done lately? That’s the question everyone should ask themselves to motivate ourselves, and keep doing well. I wish everyone have a fantastic morning at RDF and carry on in the years to come. Thank you!