

Primary Years – PYP years 2- 6

The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme, for students aged 3 to 12, focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer. The curriculum is trans-disciplinary (integrated across the subject areas) for greater relevance and immediacy of students’ learning. This is in alignment with the teaching and learning philosophy of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme. In the Primary Years Programme the curriculum is organised around six transdisciplinary units of inquiry integrating the learning areas of:

* Language (English)

* Mathematics

* Physical Education

* Music

* Art

* Science

* Social Studies

* Additional Languages

Teachers provide parents with a curriculum overview, which details the Units of Inquiry, learning content, specific outcomes to be addressed for the year and the strategies/skills that will be focused upon. Students explore traditional subject areas through integrated Units of Inquiry, organised around six transdiscipinary themes that provide the framework for the exploration of knowledge. Through the inquiry-based approach students develop an understanding of important concepts, acquire essential skills and knowledge, develop particular attitudes and learn to take socially responsible action.

By engaging in inquiry based units throughout the year, students become:

* Inquirers

* Communicators

* Thinkers

* Risk-takers

* Knowledgeable

* Principled

* Caring

* Open-minded

* Balanced

* Reflective

These attributes together are known as the ‘Learner Profile’. Students explore integrated transdisciplinary Units of Inquiry. In Nursery 2 – Kindergarten 1 children explore four Units of Inquiry per year, while from Year 1-6 children explore six Units of Inquiry per year.

Transdisciplinary Themes

* Who we are

* Where we are in place and time

* How we express ourselves

* How the world works

* How we organise ourselves

* Sharing the planet

Specific information on the inquiry units, such as the Central Idea and the inquiry lines as well as detailed subject-specific outcomes are included in the curriculum outlines distributed to parents every year. A copy of the school’s ‘Programme of Inquiry’ can be obtained from the PYP Coordinator of the school.