新府学 英语故事时间 专辑五 | 新的美好,就此开始

来源:北京新府学外国语学校 时间:04-23



关于English Story Time


As the spring arrives, all creatures begin to grow and blossom, bathed in warm sunshine. Meanwhile, English Story Time Episode 5 has also arrived on schedule. Dear children, please prepare to listen, follow us and step into a wonderful fairy tale world.

This week, we choose two topics which are very popular among kids: Cinderella and The Three Little Pigs. Let these wonderful stories be around with our kids and become the eternal gifts we give to them.

About English Story Time

During this special holiday period, Xin Fuxue primary school launched "English story time" program designed for children in grades K to 3. We share wonderful old stories with our children so they can hear stories of magic, adventure and fantasy as if they were there, and then retell them. We have selected some popular classics to help students build up a good foundation of knowledge and culture. By listening to foreign teachers tell stories, children can listen to music, enter into a wonderful fairy tale world along with the voices of foreign teachers’ quietly.

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